A challenge that I FINALLY finished from Instagram! O_O
Posts Tagged gene
How many fairies can you recognize? An old piece I decided to finally finish. It’s my first concept art for the New Enchanted Island. It’ll be the hardest island to design for since fairies go in all sorts of directions design-wise.@–@ The mood and lighting kind of feels like a Thomas Kinkade painting almost, which is kind of what I wanted. I intended to use more fantasy creatures, but I felt like I didn’t have enough to make it interesting. :/
In honor of me reaching 100 followers on IG.
Woo! Finally done! I redid Dr. X’s design again. I also took to calling him Emperor Electric. :/ Meh. @tokyo-miaou-miaou
HEY! A WIP! I know it’s been a long time since I posted anything. The site is still in the works, and I’m juggling work and college. Hopefully when college is out for this semester, things’ll pick up! I wonder what Gene is facing? :0
A short comic for the lovely @darkcutequotesbiscuit Designs inspired by @tokyo-miaou-miaou‘s AU swap
Fairies sure are angry, spiteful little beings aren’t they? OvO
I know I haven’t redesigned the pirates yet, but after seeing @nowkatnotmad‘s lovely pics, I decided why not now? Please go see theirs too!
@tokyo-miaou-miaou I know Alex’s colors aren’t exactly pastel, so I might redo him. Especially after seeing what blueberry blossoms look like irl. Also, I based their designs partially off of my redesigns. I hope that’s okay! /)///(
BAZZAM! Dr. X was so much fun to draw! I loved his original concept art so I based the redesign off of that (with a jetpack for the heck of it). Gene however was much trickier as he’s just a traditional suit so not much room to deviate. But I suppose it’s still nice.
@darkcutequotesbiscuit loooooook
Sorry for reposting this, but tumblr is eating crap again. That or I reblogged it as the wrong type…sigh.