Guess who’s obsessed with Ever After High? I have better copies of these on the way, I was just playing with concepts.
Green swan for copyright reasons.
Guess who’s obsessed with Ever After High? I have better copies of these on the way, I was just playing with concepts.
Green swan for copyright reasons.
Just some characters of mine that I’m planning on using for a series. The series (which I’ve called, “The King’s Match” and is based off of a card game I’ve made up) covers a variety of timelines and stories and characters. Right now, all it is is just a bunch of ideas floating around in my head and as sketches. Hopefully, I can string them together to form a proper series.
© Orange swan for copyright purposes. Do NOT use, alter, pass it off as your own, or sell it in any way without my permission!
“Iyeckses”-She is a physical representation of the sky, clouds, air and other celestial stuff. 😛 I had this whole idea of taking things and making manifestations of them.
© Swan used for copyright purposes. Do NOT use, steal, or endorse in any way without my permission.
“Members of Pie Town” Something I did for Pewdiepie last November. Even though I don’t watch his videos like I used to, I still wanted to post this as tribute to his success. 🙂 I intentionally kept it a bit sketchy to match the style of rubberhose cartoons. “Champ” was the name I had for Brute then, and yes, I know, it looks nothing like him. >:I
Swan for copyright purposes. Use picture only with my permission and give me credit.
“Emerald Grove” There were going to be women or nymphs here, but I didn’t want to negate the landscape I worked SO hard to paint. So I just left it like this. I’m, quite happy for how this turned out. 🙂
Swan for copyright reasons. Use only with my permission and give me credit.
“Tree Practice” Is what it is. Link to the tutorial:
I’d post it properly, but tumblr won’t let me! >:(
Swan is for copyright reasons. Use only with my permission and give me credit.
“Colored Eight”
The original concepts for a group of shape-shifters that I later called the Rainbow Nine (I’m missing Pinky, Cyan Carl and Coco). I later took out Silvena and Demetri and added them to a rival group called “The Tones” (since grey and black technically don’t count as colors). I’ll be adding those later. 🙂
Do not use, steal, or copy in ANY way without my permission.
Colored Eight © Hlootoo
Purple Swan watermark for copyright purposes.
“Rainbow Parade” This is Pastelle and her “Rainbow Nine” (originally the Colored Eight). Starting clockwise from the bottom left there’s: Ms. Scarlett, Pinky, S.K.O (a really lame pun for “escargot” XP), Goldie, Jaded Jack, Cyan Carl, Bearded Bluey, Purple/Ratman Paul, and Coco. I have some ideas for them, but they’re part of a series I’ll reveal later. 😉
“From Ebony” In glorious black and white and Technicolor! 😀 Ebony Rosewood (originally Black) is a character who’s been bouncing from place to place, not tied to any real story. I had many ideas for her, but none never really stuck. *shrug* Oh well, I’m sure she’ll find a place to call her own, I hope.
© Hlootoo
Swans for copyright reasons. Use only with my permission and give me credit.
“La’launde” I felt like doing this one day. 🙂 I wanted to paint something to show my appreciation for Jesus’ death and his resurrection. I made him grey as to avoid any scuffles on color. (La’launde means lullaby; take from this what you will.)