Thought I’d try some photo manipulation!
If you don’t mind I’d like to rant a little. But before I do, know this:
1. I am very much aligned with Playmobil. The first dollhouse I ever got was from Playmobil at 4 months. I still collect sets and figures to this day. In fact, I have a few more showing up today as I write this. So yes, I am a Playmobil fan.
2. If you’re someone who was caught up on that stupid Fortnite dnce in the trailer, all I have to say is CHILL.
People losing their mind over the Playmobil is frigging ridiculous and are jumping to conclusions. The Youtube comments are the worst because people were complaining about that dance that literally lasted dor a second, or jumping onto the “ripoff” boat (at the movie AND the brand). And that’s simply not true as far as we know. Movies can’t be made over night. Movies, even the crappiest cinematic ones, at best take a few months maybe even a year. This movie’s production started around 2014, around the same time the show Super 4 began. Both were meant to commemorate the brand’s anniversary long before the Lego Movie came out. And this isn’t even their first movie or animation. Their first feature length film was released in 2009!
Now to address “ripoff” in terms of the movie. So far the Playmobil movie and Lego movie are leagues apart. Lego was about an ordinary Lego guy finding his calling and saving his world from a control freak. Playmobil is about a brother and a sister turning into klickies (playmobil figures) and her trying to find him. The only thing they have in common is being based off of toys and Bionicle, Transformers and others had them both beat by several years.
I suspect that most of the anger is coming not only from the timing (which I admit is rather unfortunate) as well as rivalry between fans. I’m not gonna get into the whole “Playmobil ripped off Lego!” thing today because that’s a whole Pandora’s box in and of itself I don’t want to open now. All I ask is this: GIVE THE MOVIE A CHANCE. It’s got some great animators and a cool cast. I’m iffy about musical numbers, I find them awkward. But it may be catchy so I dunno.
People said the same crap about <i>The Lego Movie</i>. “Oh it’s gonna suck! It’s gonna ruin my childhood! It’s just glorified advertisement!” Even the Lego company itself didn’t have much faith in it at first and saw it as unnecessary. But it was the BOMB! Sales skyrocketed and it gave inspiration to a new generation.
Don’t crap on other toys and movies because you didn’t grow up with them. Because someone else did, and loves them.
Been a while! Thought I’d pay tribute to Playmobil with a lil’ fanart of a guy fairy from a set. I call him Hawthorne. Swan for copyright purposes.
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