Hello friend, I’m in a bit of a bad situation right now and would really appreciate some assistance. You can definitely help without spending any money, so please take a minute to read this post!
What’s going on is that I am expecting a baby in August. His name is Finn and he’s adorable. Here’s a picture:
Obviously that’s an ultrasound, since he won’t be born for 2-3 more months, so you can’t really see his face or anything. Trust me, though, he’s adorable. His dad, unfortunately, got on some heavy drugs and took off when I was about four months pregnant and since he’s now a homeless drug addict who has disappeared into the great beyond, he is useless to do anything to help with this baby.
Which leaves me a single mother. I currently live with two roommates which keeps the cost of living affordable, but they need to move in August and I’m unable to come with them. Therefore I need to get a new apartment by August, which you may recall is the month that my precious baby child is due. Obviously, I need to be moved and have my place set up BEFORE Finn makes his grand entrance into the world, which means I’m pretty limited on time.
In case that wasn’t all fun enough, I’m a waitress. This is especially bad because since it’s a physical job that requires me to be on my feet for my entire shifts, there are only so many hours I can work at seven months pregnant. Plus, I will be medically obligated to go on maternity leave after Finn is born so there will be an entire month that I am physically unable to work. At the same time that I will be moving into my new apartment and paying more for rent.
My saving grace is that I write short comedy stories which are free to read BUT I do take donations on the site where I post them. I need to supplement my income with those donations in order to survive, especially in my current situation. The only problem is that my stories and website are still mostly undiscovered and lack of readers/views = lack of donations.
So please check out my stories and donate if you can, or signal boost and encourage others to do the same. Even if you aren’t personally able to spare anything (and I understand that money’s tight for almost everyone) just visiting the website or spreading the word would help immensely in getting me closer to making enough on donations to afford the basic costs of living, at least up until I’m able to return to a normal number of working hours.
If you wouldn’t mind helping out, it would really mean a lot to me (and my baby son, once he’s old enough to understand the concept of gratitude.)
LINKS Stories Writing Blog Facebook Donate (this link keeps breaking – the e-mail used to send a donation is jestersathenaeum@gmail.com)
Guys PLEASE signal boost this. I managed to move into my permanent apartment but between the cost of that and my parents suddenly demanding $600 out of spite, I have almost no savings left. I have to go on maternity leave in less than a month and with the number of hours I’m able to work in this condition I’m averaging about $100 a week. I can’t save up almost anything at that rate and there’s going to be 1-2 months where site donations are the ONLY form of income I’ll have to support myself and Finn. If you have any possible way to help spread the word and bring attention to this site, we REALLY need your help.
Continuing to spread this as much as I can while there’s still time, cause Finn’s due on August 18.
Hello friend, I’m in a bit of a bad situation right now and would really appreciate some assistance. You can definitely help without spending any money, so please take a minute to read this post!
What’s going on is that I am expecting a baby in August. His name is Finn and he’s adorable. Here’s a picture:
Obviously that’s an ultrasound, since he won’t be born for 2-3 more months, so you can’t really see his face or anything. Trust me, though, he’s adorable. His dad, unfortunately, got on some heavy drugs and took off when I was about four months pregnant and since he’s now a homeless drug addict who has disappeared into the great beyond, he is useless to do anything to help with this baby.
Which leaves me a single mother. I currently live with two roommates which keeps the cost of living affordable, but they need to move in August and I’m unable to come with them. Therefore I need to get a new apartment by August, which you may recall is the month that my precious baby child is due. Obviously, I need to be moved and have my place set up BEFORE Finn makes his grand entrance into the world, which means I’m pretty limited on time.
In case that wasn’t all fun enough, I’m a waitress. This is especially bad because since it’s a physical job that requires me to be on my feet for my entire shifts, there are only so many hours I can work at seven months pregnant. Plus, I will be medically obligated to go on maternity leave after Finn is born so there will be an entire month that I am physically unable to work. At the same time that I will be moving into my new apartment and paying more for rent.
My saving grace is that I write short comedy stories which are free to read BUT I do take donations on the site where I post them. I need to supplement my income with those donations in order to survive, especially in my current situation. The only problem is that my stories and website are still mostly undiscovered and lack of readers/views = lack of donations.
So please check out my stories and donate if you can, or signal boost and encourage others to do the same. Even if you aren’t personally able to spare anything (and I understand that money’s tight for almost everyone) just visiting the website or spreading the word would help immensely in getting me closer to making enough on donations to afford the basic costs of living, at least up until I’m able to return to a normal number of working hours.
If you wouldn’t mind helping out, it would really mean a lot to me (and my baby son, once he’s old enough to understand the concept of gratitude.)
LINKS Stories Writing Blog Facebook Donate (this link keeps breaking – the e-mail used to send a donation is jestersathenaeum@gmail.com)
Guys PLEASE signal boost this. I managed to move into my permanent apartment but between the cost of that and my parents suddenly demanding $600 out of spite, I have almost no savings left. I have to go on maternity leave in less than a month and with the number of hours I’m able to work in this condition I’m averaging about $100 a week. I can’t save up almost anything at that rate and there’s going to be 1-2 months where site donations are the ONLY form of income I’ll have to support myself and Finn. If you have any possible way to help spread the word and bring attention to this site, we REALLY need your help.
Continuing to spread this as much as I can while there’s still time, cause Finn’s due on August 18.
In addition to what’s mentioned in this link, we have some info to help folks make a plan to stay safe when leaving an abusive relationship, and when they can’t leave just yet: The Scarleteen Safety Plan
Seriously, I’ve only been able to skim this article so far, but I definitely plan on reading the whole thing later
If you’re being abused by your partner, and you’re reading this right now, then you have awe-inspiring strength.
You’re suffering, but you have the courage to seek out ideas on how to take care of yourself.
I’m guessing you haven’t come across many tips like these. When I was being abused, the only advice I found was about how to leave an abusive partner, or how to heal after you’ve left.
In this society we sometimes talk about abuse victims being strong after they leave, but frame them as weak before hand. I think that is so wrong. Living in an abusive relationship takes a strength that most people cannot even comprehend. you’re not weak because you stay. there are a million reasons why we stay because, frankly, abusers actively work to keep their victims trapped.
So know that if you’re in an abusive relationship right now as you read this, I think you are strong as fuck, and I am rooting hard as hell for you.
Honestly, if people feel even a little inclined to reblog this, I would appreciate it. I am not trying to guilt anyone, if you don’t reblog I won’t think you’re a horrible person, that’s totally your prerogative… But if these words can help even just one current victim of domestic violence… I would be so happy.
So many people can’t leave. So many. Please be safe.
In addition to what’s mentioned in this link, we have some info to help folks make a plan to stay safe when leaving an abusive relationship, and when they can’t leave just yet: The Scarleteen Safety Plan
Seriously, I’ve only been able to skim this article so far, but I definitely plan on reading the whole thing later
If you’re being abused by your partner, and you’re reading this right now, then you have awe-inspiring strength.
You’re suffering, but you have the courage to seek out ideas on how to take care of yourself.
I’m guessing you haven’t come across many tips like these. When I was being abused, the only advice I found was about how to leave an abusive partner, or how to heal after you’ve left.
In this society we sometimes talk about abuse victims being strong after they leave, but frame them as weak before hand. I think that is so wrong. Living in an abusive relationship takes a strength that most people cannot even comprehend. you’re not weak because you stay. there are a million reasons why we stay because, frankly, abusers actively work to keep their victims trapped.
So know that if you’re in an abusive relationship right now as you read this, I think you are strong as fuck, and I am rooting hard as hell for you.
Honestly, if people feel even a little inclined to reblog this, I would appreciate it. I am not trying to guilt anyone, if you don’t reblog I won’t think you’re a horrible person, that’s totally your prerogative… But if these words can help even just one current victim of domestic violence… I would be so happy.
So many people can’t leave. So many. Please be safe.
Time to show some love and appreciate these heroes.
Firefighters are some badass mutha fuckas
firefighters are incredibly under appreciated, this is sadly the first appreciation post to them and we need more of these, they literally walk through hell to pick up people and pull them out, and they save animals, treating all like humans, i have never heard of a firefighter that has chosen not to save someone for there race or sex or sexuality or anything, a human is a human and an animal is an animal, i love these people and they don’t deserve to be ignored as much as they are
I will reblog this eight billion times. Firefighters are fucking heroes.
Always nice to be appreciated
My dad retired in 2009 after working 25 years as a firefighter/paramedic. So up until I was 24, my dad worked 3 24 hour shifts during a 5 day span, would be home for 4 days, and then start again. My dad worked every other Christmas, every other birthday, every other Father’s Day, you get the picture. I remember him getting emotional once over a particular call. A little boy was jumping on his bed, fell off, and suffered head trauma. He passed away the next day. I think he must have been my age at the time. What bothered my dad the most about it was he was doing what little boys are supposed to do.
These men and women witness us at our most vulnerable, and yet little thanks is given to them for a job well-done. Lawmakers take away their funding, their pension, their overtime, and yet they still perform at their best using the resources made available to them.
I’ve been on Tumblr for almost 2 years and this is the first firefighter appreciation post I’ve come across in that time. To say that I am sad is an understatement. These people sacrifice time with their loved ones to take care of us in our most desperate of situations. They’re the first to respond to trauma, sift through the mess, stabilize the survivors, give a coherent report to the ER nurse/doctor, write the same report for their records, text back their spouses, sing a lullaby over the phone, and MAYBE find some leftovers in the fridge from the dinner they got up from when the bell rang 3 hours ago.
Maybe we need to stop focusing on the hate the general public has for cops and channel that to show some love to ALL the public servants who give so much of their time, energy, blood, sweat, and tears.
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