On the subject of “purdy”. I noticed a lot of us put vowels in front of “r” and some other consonants at times for a smoother flow. Here in Louisiana, we favor vowels; and through some long vowel trickery, pronounce them so that it sounds like we’re saying consonants when we really ain’.
Fire= “fah”
Food = “foo”
Ya’ll = the same but sometimes just “yah”
This is the most obvious in words with two “t’s”.
Putting = “pu’ in”
Trotting = “tro’ in”
But other times we really don’t give a shive.
Probably = prolly
Tennis shoes = “ti/enny shoos”
Actually = “ackshly”
Typically = “tip-uh-gly” or “tip-ah-gly”
We’re fickle with “r” and use “ff” to replace “th” at times.
Orange = “ernge”
Oil = “erl” though I usually pronounce it “ahl or all”
Fridge = “ferge”
Bathroom = “baffroom”
And you can’t forget “finna”! But me and my family typically say “funna”.
Anywho! That’s all for now. I’ve been studying Southern accents, especially my own, to see what makes them tic. I wonder what a conlang based off of one would be like? 🤔 I’ve been messing around with the idea myself.