






People like this have really been brainwashed into thinking that Whites were never enslaved lol.

Hey Alexa, how many Europeans were enslaved during the Barbary Slave Trade?

How many Slavs were captured along the Volga and sold in Arab countries? 

How many Germans were made slaves by the Romans?

How many Greeks were made slaves by the Turks?

Practically every culture has been enslaved and practiced slavery

Where does the word slave come from? Hmmm….

This is such a disgusting mindset to have.

Some people are so America-centric they think the NAST (and only the part happening in North America) was the only kind of slavery that ever existed.

On that note, the Irish were never victims of chattel slavery, and that may be what most people mean when they say “The Irish were never slaves,” but equating one specific kind of slavery with slavery in the general sense is pretty short-sighted on its own.

>Some people are so America-centric they think the NAST (and only the part happening in North America) was the only kind of slavery that ever existed.

Even in that type of slavery, most of them were secondhand from other black people.

So Wokesters go “oh, no, African slavery was a different, more respectful type of slavery.”

Oddly, they never seem to be bothered by the fact the first slave owner in the U.S. was a black man.

Here he is.