


I have sympathy for people who steal NECESSITIES.

Food. Medicine. Toiletries. 

And even then- dollar tree. Dollar Tree has literally saved my life so many times. THey have almost everything. toothbrushes/toothpaste, frozen goods, canned goods, jugs of water– even some [off-brand] over the counter medicines. They even have pregnancy tests [yep!]

They have children’s toys, household cleaners…

I’m not going to say there’s “no excuse”; but as a card-carrying broke bitch let me tell you– help isn’t always easy to get, but its there. Goodwill and the salvation army have clothes. You can get 3 months of food stamps if you’re unemployed but able to work. The salvation army will let ANYONE come and eat at 6pm so long as you have an ID, no questions asked. 

But the thing that really annoys me is– you’re not even in need. 

You’re taking these luxury items just because you’re bored or think you’re being edgy and radical and you REALLY want that name-brand thing; and when you get caught– oh man here come the crocodile tears

Man I know I’m old now, because here I am lecturing kids about how not-cool it is to steal just because. 

just saying don’t support salvation army they’re very homophobic

it must be nice to be privileged enough to say something like that.

I often times am envious of people who make these kind of blanket “dont support x because of y” posts with no thought or nuance to the issue at hand because I KNOW they have never been in the situation where these services were a need and not a choice.

The salvation army is one of two shelters in my city. You either go here, or the Good Shepard, or you sleep at the park in the bathroom.

The salvation army has has given my gay ass food, my 2 of my bisexual cousins a place to live, has clothes, has a program to help you find work, will let ANYBODY come and eat NO QUESTIONS ASKED, and your primary concern is…..politics?

 Let me tell you something.

When you’re homeless you dont give a fuck about “omg salvation army is so shitty!!!” You wash in the sink at the library.. You have nowhere to go. You’re so hungry you’re sick. You’re running a fever. Your shoes have holes in them. You cant get a job because you’re not even CLEAN.

The Salvation army gives homeless people a chance where they dont have one, ESPECIALLY when its sometimes THE ONLY shelter in smaller cities and towns. If you’re able to have a choice in the matter? Fine. But millions of people dont. 

The salvation army gave:

My mother and her baby [my older sister] a place to live.

Cousin #1 a place to live.

Cousin #2 a place to live

Cousin #3 a place to live.

Cousin #4 a place to live.

And allowed anyone, even me [a homosexual!!!], who isnt even homless [yet] FREE food in a warm dry safe environment every single night at 6pm. 


I’m sorry, but I am absolutely disgusted. 

“dont support a place that gives homeless people a warm, dry, clean, and safe place to live; helps them find a job, gives them clothes, transportation, and a second chance at life, because they’re problematic” 

without the salvation army one of the nation’s largest chains of shelters for not only homeless people, but low-income people would be gone.

And then even more people, yes lgbt people too, and single parents, and CHILDREN, would be on the streets, starving, or dead. 

Support the fucking salvation army.