
Abominations of the North: Snallygaster

This fearsome critter is that rare mix between “wildly odd of place” and “legally terrifying.” And it’s upsetting that it’s virtually unknown outside of the Blue Ridge Mountain range.

Snallygaster is a corruption of the term “Schneller Geist” which in German means “Fast Spirit.” This creature was reported to be quite nimble and quick in the air, a true terror of the sky.

Its description varies according to the source. But it’s general consensus that this monster has wings, one eye, a beak, and scales instead of feathers. Body type and organs accompanying the beak vary, as it’s described as slim and aerodynamic with a needle-like beak or as a chubby crane with a tentacled mouth.

Weird, huh? Well, check this out: It snatches people and drinks their blood, and it hates heptagrams (seven-point stars.) Want more weird? Well, this thing had a deadly foe in the Dwayyo; a wolf with the ability to stand up-right.

Why this creature is so weird? Only God knows. It’s so unreal… 

But, you have a dragon. A dragon with tentacles sprouting from his mouth/body. A dragon with only one eye with tentacles sprouting from his mouth/body. Which drinks blood. And is deadly enemies with a werewolf. And is repelled by seven-pointed stars.

According to legend, the Snallygaster met its demise not at the hands of the Dwayyo (Which is still rampaging through the mountains) but at the hands of moonshiners. Yep, the creature smelled the moonshine and dived head first into it. It became so drunk that it drowned in the liquor vat.

Crazy, huh?