There’s talking about racism and then there’s promoting harmful critical race theory ideology as if it were essential to or even compatible with Biblical Christianity.
You don’t have to “get woke” in order to love your neighbor. In fact, probably the opposite is true.
The difference is “Racism is bad because as bible believing Christians we should see all of the creatures made in God’s image as sinners in need of salvation and should bring to gospel to all nations and rejoice whenever anyone repents and believes in Jesus Christ as their lord and savior.”
“Black people in America can’t sin because they are perpetual victims and white people are the most sinners because they exist. Telling people they are sinners in need of a savior isn’t as important as protesting and calling for government intervention.”
Literally no one is saying that, dipshit. Critical race theory is literally just teaching the history of racism in America and how it informs issues today. Stop crying wnd grow up.
As a public school history teacher, no it’s not.
Critical race theory comes from critical theory, an ideology that views various issues through the lens of power structures.
Critical race theory specifically focuses on what it calls “institutional” or “systemic” racism as a power structure.
Specifically, CRT says that because blacks people were enslaved and discriminated against in the past, any challenges they face today can be traced back to those struggles, even generations later. It insists that black people cannot advance their own interests unless “whiteness” is restrained. In CRT, the world is a pie, and the only way for black people to get their fair share is to take it from white people.
CRT in the study of history will filter the reality of historical events through a lens that casts “BIPOC” as pure, peaceful, innocent victims of oppressive, violent white people.
I’m saying this as someone who has sat through trainings put on by my school district that have encouraged us to change the way we teach.
Implementing CRT has had other effects as well:
We’re encouraged to make sure that the academic and discipline statistics of black students match those of white students. If that means grading black students easier and overlooking inappropriate behaviors…well, they won’t tell us to do that. Just so long as the numbers line up at the end of the year.
When I asked to see the data on grades and behavior filtered by socio-economic status instead of by race, I was told they’d “get back to me.” They never did. It is my belief that the discrepancies in grades and behavior are much better explained by class differences than by race, and therefore policies focused on race will always fail to actually help our students succeed.
In schools, it’s not about Critical Race Theory itself. It’s about the application of that theory’s principles in the policies schools create regarding academics and behavior.
There are actually Christians supporting this? I shouldn’t be surprised, but BOY am I tired. As a black Christian, this sh*t is stupid. It’s a very “Sins of the Father, Sins of the Son” line of thinking that doesn’t solve anything, and makes race-relations worse. Imagine being a kid and taught how you’re automatically evil or a victim because of your race– nevermind your own individual experiences. All this would do is support bitterness and hatred of the whites on the black side, and encourage coddling “the poor oppressed blacks” on the white side. Hell, it’s already been going on long before this, but at least it wasn’t backed up by the education system. And we can see how well that went.
But seeing how literally everything in this world is going downhill…I think it’s safe to assume this is very much intentional.
P.S. The Modern Renaissance Man (a black dude) does an excellent job tackling how stupid and damaging this is for all involved.
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