This is a guide to identify code words and symbols used by child predators online. Reblog to keep a minor safe! If you know any other predator code or symbols please let me know so I can add them to this list.
Term: MAP
MAP is an acronym for “Minor Attracted Person/People”. It’s the name of a pedophilic community who has risen on tumblr. It was created in order to assemble Pedophiles, Hebephiles and Ephebophiles. On top of it, the creation of the word is a strategy for them to avoid being identified as predators right away. The community was made to spread positivity about pedophiles and their attraction toward children. The community is very anti recovery.
Note: MAP can also stand for Multi Animator Project. Use context clues and make sure not to attack someone’s project by mistake.
Term: NOP
An acronym that stands for “Non Offending Pedophiles”. Also a community. Pretty much the same thing as the MAP community.
Term: Non Offending
A pedophile who doesn’t interact with children at all or try their best to avoid them. A non offending pedophile does not consume child pornography or medias meant to mimic child pornography ( example: Loli pornography, cartoon child porn, etc ).
A non offending pedophile also doesn’t spread positivity about pedophilia or promotes pedophilia.
NOTE: A lot of pedophiles call themselves Non Offending regardless of whether they offend or not in order to avoid backlash. They will twist words and try to redefine what “offending” means. Keep in mind that a non offending pedophile will do their best to AVOID all contact with children.
A pedophile who purposely interacts with children in ANY way is offending.
Term: CP
Short for Child Pornography.
Note: CP can also be short for Cheese Pizza. Make sure to use context clues before jumping to conclusions.
Term: Sim CP/Child Pornography
A term for simulated child pornography. Simulated child pornography is pornographic medias featuring no real children, but what looks like a child in order to simulate child pornography. It legally counts as child pornography as well. Even thought predators will insist that it isn’t as bad.
Term: AOA
Acronym for “Age Of Attraction”.
A term to define the age range that a pedophile is attracted to.
Term: Anti/No Contact
A term to describe a pedophile who doesn’t touch children in a sexual manner.
NOTE: No Contact is NOT a synonym of “Non Offending”. Some “no contact” pedophiles might still interact with children, promote pedophilia and watch child pornography.
Term: Pro Contact
A term to define pedophiles or supporters who advocate for sexual relationships between children and adults.
Term: Hebephile
People who are attracted to minors from 11 to 14 years old.
Term: Ephebophile
People who are attracted to minors from 15 to 19 years old.
Term: Virped / Virtuous Pedophile
Also a “non offending” community.
The “MAP” flag
A flag coined by pedophiles on tumblr. They made it on pride month in hope that the LGBT+ community would accept and support them. It didn’t work we don’t want them anywhere near us. Still watch out for that flag in order to identify them.
The “Lesbian MAP” flag.
A flag coined by a pedophile on tumblr who’s a lesbian. Very similar to the MAP flag.
Note: The Lesbian MAP flag highly resemble the Non Binary Lesbian flag. Make sure not to confuse the two because NB lesbians aren’t pedophiles or bad people! Here’s a picture of the Non Binary Lesbian flag:
The Boy Lover Symbol
This symbol, a blue spiraling triangle framed by another triangle, is known as the BoyLover logo, used by adults who prefer young boys.
Note: The term “Boy Love” can also describe a type of media that features a relationship between two boys/men. Make sure to use context clues and not attack mlm/gay men medias on accident. However the symbol/picture is exclusively made for pedophiles.
The Younger Boy Lover Symbol
This symbol is for pedophiles who prefer much younger boys. Known as the LittleBoyLover logo, it is also a blue triangle spiral like the BoyLover logo, but it is drawn in a child-like scraw.
The Girl Lover Symbol
The GirlLover logo is a heart inside a heart, indicated that the pedophile prefers young girls.
Note: The term “Girl Love” can also describe a type of media that features a relationship between two girls/women. Make sure to use context clues and not attack wlw/sapphic/lesbians medias on accident. However the symbol/picture is exclusively made for pedophiles.
The Child Lover Symbol
Pedophiles who do not have a preference of gender use the ChildLover logo, which is a butterfly with four hearts for wings.
The Childlove Online Media Activist Logo
Pedophile promotion symbol: This is the Childlove Online Media Activism logo, which pedophiles use as a symbol to promote their ‘cause’: that sexual relationships between adults and minors should be decriminalized.
The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA)
The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a pedophile and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States. It works to abolish age-of-consent laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement with minors and campaigns for the release of men who have been jailed for sexual contacts with minors that did not involve coercion.
Valuable information right here ^^^^^^^
Please read this post and share it with as many people as possible who you know would be against CSA. It’s important!
I’ve seen someone try to make the term “SOMAP” aka Semi-Offending Minor Attracted Person (someone who is attracted to minors but allegedly only acts on their feelings if the minor consents to it first) a thing as well (and no surprise, the person who coined it openly admitted to raping a twelve-year-old). Also, CP is sometimes short for “chronic pain”, so please try not to confuse those two either like Tumblr’s stupid flagging bot has.
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