Yesterday I asked a MRA what they’re fighting for and they responded “equality, unlike you feminists”
I almost spit out my drink and picked out my tombstone right there
So you basically blew off the response with incredulity, rather than asking for elaboration?
The fact is we can actually several instance of feminism be responsible not only for inequality, but actively fighting against laws that would have fostered equality.
First The myth that patriarchy is responsible for the presumed caregiver status of women. Prior to feminist involvement in 100% of all divorce cases the father got custody. For the sake of brevity, I’ll link my detailed post on this, rather than go into a history lesson here. “Feminist Misdirection or, The Bald Faced Caregiver Lie”
The National Organization for Women, or NOW, which is ostensibly the largest most influential feminist group in the US actively fought against custody laws in New York that would have defaulted to equal shared custody of children. Why? Well here’s their list of reasons. It mostly boils down to throwing a fit about the rare instances where abuse from the father happens, while ignoring abuse from the mother, and whining that the mother isn’t guaranteed a check. The rest is basically saying fathers haven’t been proven as being needed in a child’s life, and implying men are just bad for children in general.
Feminists in India rallied against a law that would have recognized men could be raped by women, and given them a legal avenue in which to pursue justice. They got the law overturned.
Back to the states we have things like the Duluth Model of Domestic Violence the most wildly misogynistic domestic violence model the world has ever seen, designed specifically to declare women powerless, fearful, fragile little flower who would never harm their partner, unless she thought she was preventing him from harming her by hitting first, even if he has never hit at all. Because of this model, and the ensuing policies like predominant aggressor, men are almost exclusively arrested for IPV, even when they are calling for help, The best part is after engineering policies and laws that guarantee men are arrested even when they are the victim, they point to only men being arrested as proof that only men abuse.
Speaking of engineering a situation where only men fit the definition of the criminal, rape. Using “feminist informed” definitions of rape, the CDC moved 1.27 million men who were forced into sex without consent, out of the rape category and into “other sexual violence” With these men removed from statistics as rape victims, feminists then used this to declare that women were 99% of rape victims. You move these men back into the rape category, and it becomes a near 50/50 split.
I could go on with examples of feminists actively fighting against equality, but I doubt you read through even this, and if you did you probably are already thinking of ways to either justify these things, or declare all these people to not be “real feminists”
I’m not reading that because I don’t care lmfao. I read your first sentence and your last paragraph, so yes your doubt of me reading it was 100% correct. They didn’t care to explain, nor would I want them to. Mens right activists are jokes. So it’s funny to me.
And there we have it, labels are more important than actually fighting for equality.
Nice tags. Btw I did read and respond to all of this eventually when I had the time. Still doesn’t change my opinion, MRAs are a joke.
Lol the fact that they want us to take them seriously and say feminism isn’t equality is hilarious because they are the ones that can’t read lmao
Are you even speaking any sort of language at this point or are you just trying to dismiss the fact that your salty asses have nothing to actually debate with, here?
I mean seriously. If your claims were so obviously true, you wouldn’t have to play this little game where you actively ignore anything that proves you wrong… And then pretend it’s your opponents who are doing so, when you’ve presented exactly 0 legitimate arguments.
Feminism is proof that if you have enough people willing to delude themselves, you can live your entire life stubbornly ignoring the truth – all they have to do is surround themselves with people just as deluded and ignorant as they are.
We are not dismissing then. Everything that they are dating are things we already know. Literally in every argument against us that we here, this shit is brought up. It’s not new information.
I’m not going to dismiss millions of women’s suffering just because a few men live uncomfortably. Our whole existence is living in discomfort and I’m not gonna let people silence me because they think feminism is useless because they want ‘equality’.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. In politics, equality is given to someone by someone. As humans, women should Already have these rights. We need justice, not what you call ‘equality’. That term is something people play with too much and lost its meaning because a few men got pressed over the fact people started to not prioritize them.
Is this too complex for you to understand or shall I dumb it down for you?
Lmao, honey – if you attempted to “dumb down” what you just said, it’d be reduced to the dialogue of an Ace Ventura movie.
See, dismissal is exactly what you’re doing – you make up all sorts of excuses, i.e. “It’s not new”, “we’ve heard it before”, and the age old standby “literally I’ve heard every argument ever about _____.”
To put it plainly ( which I suspect you’ll need me to ) you’re a moron – “literally” an idiot, if you will – if you actually believe “a few men” live “uncomfortably”, in general or as the result of feminism’s influences on law and society.
“Our whole existence is living in discomfort”, LMAO. It’s cute that you presume to speak for all women, or pretend that first world women are “in constant discomfort” – and comparatively, who gives a fuck? Everyone experiences moments of discomfort, daily, regardless of gender, and they experience it fairly equally considering that you can’t measure what’s “uncomfortable” for one person but might be tolerable or a non-issue for someone else – your claim has no basis in measurable fact. It’s garbage. It’s an appeal to emotion, based on zilch. Nobody’s silencing you by proving you wrong, lmao. You have the freedom to be as loudly ignorant as you want – just like I have the freedom to tell you you’re an ignorant, entitled child.
“In politics, equality is given to someone by someone”, goddamn you couldn’t be more wrong. With that mentality, it’s no wonder you believe yourself a victim.
You say you need justice – how? What “justice” do women need that apparently men don’t? And how exactly are you drawing this line between “justice” and equality? It sounds to me like you mean “reparations”, you want revenge and compensation for historical wrongs you weren’t even around for.
And acting like women haven’t been prioritized since….forever? Laughable. What rights don’t you currently have that I, as a male, do? I’ll give you a hint – it rhymes with “there aren’t any”.
Complex? Please. Give me something challenging or don’t bother spouting this regurgitated bile you can’t even string together into a cogent argument.
Now why should take time out to try and educate you when all you’ve done is dismiss me?
I speak for all women. You know why? Because women everywhere are suffering. How do you not see that? Women in third world countries literally get raped as punishment.
Women have been murdered for simply not giving a man their phone number or saying ‘no’.
Men have commited crimes against women for years. In Australia it has been proven that two women die every week by the hands of their partner.
Men already have shut handed to them and any injustice against them was caused by other men because ultimarely, men fucked men over and that’s not a woman or against feminists fault.
And yes, I have heard every argument. It’s not dismissive, people use those againstrguments against feminists to silence them because they don’t want to look againstrguments a bigger picture or even understand where we come from.
I’m not gonna go into detail because I can already tell arguing with you is gonna be a complete waste of time because it’s in the ear and out the other.
So the only one spewing shit here is you.
Bitch you sure as shit don’t speak for me so shut your fucking ass up.
Women in third world countries don’t need your privileged ass to scream about how “you speak for all women”.
Men have also been murdered for “not giving a woman their phone number or saying no”. A lot. So fuck you.
The most violent of all relationship occur in lesbian relationships. Look it up. I’ll fucking wait.
No one is trying to “silence” you because they don’t agree with you… They’re pointing out why you are wrong.
“I’m not going into detail” aka “I have no fucking idea what I’m talking about”.
Get the fuck out of here I don’t want you speaking on my behalf you miserable spewing lech.
Oh so sad. Women like you make me so sad. Ugh. I’m sorry you were raised to hate yourself.. Hopefully you’ll grow out of your angsty “i want dudes to like me so I hate on other girls… I’m edgy!!” phase one day.
Sweets you shouldn’t even be speaking on your own behalf. :/ Get the fuck off my post and grow up.
Look at how they suddenly turn misogynistic when they come across a woman who doesn’t agree with them.
Telling someone they’re only doing it for male attention and that they shouldn’t be able to speak for themselves, because they don’t follow your twisted mindset, speaks volumes about some of the feminists on here.
Girls that call other girls bitches don’t respect women, and are the misogynistic ones.
They can speak for themselves lol. They’re just pathetic and angsty. That’s all.
And oh cool so MRAs aren’t really speaking for all male rape victims, all male abuse victims, all men in custody battles then? Good to know!
Somebody calling a woman a bitch doesn’t mean they disrespect women. It’s them calling that particular person a bitch. That would be saying I disrespect men just because I’ve called a few of them “dicks” before. That’s ridiculous. A good majority of women would be misogynistic if that was the case.
and men are free to decide to not let MRAs speak for them, just as I (and I’m sure a lot of other women here) don’t want someone like that speaking for me.
So I guess that qualifies for being “angsty” nowadays, not your “lol all men r gross and such pissbabies” shtick.
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