People are mad at Blake Lively for quoting a hugely popular song on one of her Instagram posts because she is white and apparently the song was for black people and what. This is what the world is coming to. I’m all for calling out racism but…how exactly is this racist…? A pregnant woman was posting a photo with body positivity and…huh? Katy Perry and Khloe Kardashian posted the same lyric and all was g. What changed?
I’d understand if the lyric was from ‘Straight Outta Compton’ by NWA but the lyric is from freaking ‘Baby got Back’ by Sir Mix A lot, Jesus Christ people.
shut up. please stop speaking.
Why? Instead of telling me to stop speaking, explain to me why Blake Lively’s quote of a song lyric was racist.
It’s the comparison to the white bombshell of LA to that of the black body of “Oakland”.It comes from the fact the song was commenting on a divide between races and their appearances. It’s hardly about “it’s a black song and white people shouldn’t use said lyrics. A simple google search and any article written by a black person would have told you the same thing.
Hey, uh, pal… Your first world issues are complete bullshit.
… But, who asked for your opinion?
Some people on my blog.
Ya, no one cares about your dumb blog or your fucking milosexual ass. Bye.
Anyone care? If so, leave a Guy Fieri pic plz
Gotcha babe
To anyone throwing a fit about Blake Lively:
Have you come to grips yet with your utter impotency? Do you know thete’s absolutely nothing you can do about it? Have you realized yet that you being offended obligates no one to do anything? Did you know that because you can’t control your emotions, no one has to do it for you?
I still can’t believe people are getting angry over an Instagram caption quoted from a song. This is why no one outside of their hugbox takes them seriously.
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