Somehow they’ve turned into the same shit bindis have turned into. Some quirky thing for white girls to wear to coachella. It’s appropriation of Hawaiian culture.
– mod n
Child, have you ever heard of Europe? Like, I’m aware this whole blog is a disaster full of mods not having basic knowledge about the world, but this reach is beyond ridiculous.
I’m going to use Poland as a fantastic example of flower crowns in white culture. Ever heard of Poland? A small country in central Europe, got fucked over numerous times by Germany and Russia.
Say hello to Poland!
So, Poland is a white country with a very rich culture. We started as pagans and to this day, we have celebrations that have their roots in pagan beliefs. One of the celebrations was the Eve of St. John on June 22nd (we call it Kupala Night). During this day we organised St. John fires and young girls would wear guess what?
Yes! Flower crowns!
Maidens usually threw their flower crowns (called “wianki”) into the river and if the wreath was fished out by one of men it would mean, the maiden would soon get married. Different flowers and herbs with different meanings were used to make a flower crown and they usually looked like that:
Look at those appropriating shitlords! Wearing traditional, polish flower crowns!
Much racism. Very appropriating. So Haitian. Wow.
Flower crows are also worn by polish folk dancers. For instance one of our traditional dances is Krakowiak. It first appeared in 1816 and that’s how the dancers are usually dressed:
The amount of racism on this photo is very triggering!
In conclusion: You’re a fucking disgrace and you should go sit in the corner and rethink your entire life, because you’re making a total ass of yourself. Google is your best friend when it comes to realising, that Europe and European cultures exist. Here, let me help you out with this useful link:
Pole out.
– Emerald
Someone tried to claim cultural appropriation on FLOWER CROWNS?
Now I’ve seen it all.
Ps. Finnish culture also includes flower crowns, and I can say that there’s no way we ripped off Hawaii. We didn’t even know what Hawaii was back then!
Nobody claimed it was strictly Hawaiian culture. Many asks have come in and explained different cultures that use flower crowns.
The issue is hipster white girls treating them like simple fashion statements. They aren’t wearing them as cultural pieces like the girls in those pictures, they just want to wear them for aesthetic.
Our mods have not claimed to be all-knowing and if you were less condescending we would have been able to discuss this with you properly. Apparently, you aren’t capable of having a simple discussion to correct a simple mistake (that was already corrected in another post). – mod z
Please tell me more about “hipster white girls treating flower crowns like fashion statements”.
So white.
White as snow.
So very white…
Let me get this straight. Flower crowns are not something that can be used only as cultural pieces. They are literally weed in your hair and anyone can wear it. Please take your racism somewhere else.
Btw, you can Google flower crowns and check, before writing bullshit about appropriating Hawaiian culture. Google is your friend. Google understands. You have to trust Google.
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