Some more pirates ‘cause why not?! 😀 While all three are based off
of background pirates, I felt like I changed them so much in appearance
and personality, that they might as well be different characters anyway.
So I changed their names and made them a small family.

Armand is
the best tailor on Gunpowder Island! Which is an easy title to have when
you’re the only one on it. He’s the weary father of Urchie and Flint,
(as well seven daughters) who’re born at the same time. Flint tends to
take care of himself and values his appearance, while Urchie couldn’t
care less if you paid him. Of course Flint can still be as dense as his
brother despite how he carries himself– much to their father’s dismay.
While Armand loves all his children, his son’s frequent ventures with
Sharkbeard leave him frustrated– and a little worried. He wonders if
some day they may not come home…

@pumpkinseashell @darkcutequotesbiscuit @tokyo-miaou-miaou