Me, every time I step out of my room.
Posts Tagged hlootooart
Meredith in a swanky new outfit. She looks so regal!
Some more fairy designs since they’re SO much fun! And I DO plan on making another mini comic with Alex and Ruby, I’m just trying to give my eyes a little break from the screens. >_< I don’t know if I’ll use these as they’re a bit busy for background characters. I might have to simplify them a bit.
FINALLY DONE! Props to whoever does this kind of stuff daily! @–@ This exercise was long but fun. I got to use perspective, lighting, mood and other stuff more than usual. This also serves as my first look into the Black Baron’s main hall. The original Super 4 belongs to Method Animation and Morgen Studios.
Totally serious enemies guys. Don’t mind their changing clothes. I was practicing traditional inking and digital coloring in order to see how good it looked. While I feel the lineart is better, the quality is less than digital. I might just scan in sketches and ink digitally after all. :/ (Digital linearts are the lower ones in case you can’t tell.) Edit: Actually, now that I look at it, it’s not bad.
Woo! Finally done! I redid Dr. X’s design again. I also took to calling him Emperor Electric. :/ Meh. @tokyo-miaou-miaou
HEY! A WIP! I know it’s been a long time since I posted anything. The site is still in the works, and I’m juggling work and college. Hopefully when college is out for this semester, things’ll pick up! I wonder what Gene is facing? :0