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Posts Tagged hlootoo’s art
Me, every time I step out of my room.
Meredith in a swanky new outfit. She looks so regal!
Some more fairy designs since they’re SO much fun! And I DO plan on making another mini comic with Alex and Ruby, I’m just trying to give my eyes a little break from the screens. >_< I don’t know if I’ll use these as they’re a bit busy for background characters. I might have to simplify them a bit.
FINALLY DONE! Props to whoever does this kind of stuff daily! @–@ This exercise was long but fun. I got to use perspective, lighting, mood and other stuff more than usual. This also serves as my first look into the Black Baron’s main hall. The original Super 4 belongs to Method Animation and Morgen Studios.
Totally serious enemies guys. Don’t mind their changing clothes. I was practicing traditional inking and digital coloring in order to see how good it looked. While I feel the lineart is better, the quality is less than digital. I might just scan in sketches and ink digitally after all. :/ (Digital linearts are the lower ones in case you can’t tell.) Edit: Actually, now that I look at it, it’s not bad.
I love creature design! Terryl Whitlatch (designer of Star Wars creatures) and Tony Diterlizzi (artist of The Spiderwick Chronicles) both inspired me heavily, even to this day with their execution of creature design.
This is a Vuirma, a horse/lion/cat hybrid. I even it’s vine-shaped markings aid to help it blend in either grassy or jungle biomes.
Legend has it, that there be feral elves here…