These took a long while. XP I was thinking of something interesting to do with the Technopolis people, so I tried Greek! I may update Gene’s outfit in the future to match them. I dunno. I may change them a little more later, but at least it’s done.
BAZZAM! Dr. X was so much fun to draw! I loved his original concept art so I based the redesign off of that (with a jetpack for the heck of it). Gene however was much trickier as he’s just a traditional suit so not much room to deviate. But I suppose it’s still nice.
The rest of the fairies as seen in the show. I took more liberties with their outfits than the others, since they were very similar to one another. Once again, I was inspired by the Victorian age of fairies. They’re each based on different things in nature, but not all plant-based. Figure out the inspiration! (P.S. Technically Lorella was called “Gloria” in the show, but I chose the name her figure was sold as. If the others had names too, I don’t remember them.)
However, I noticed how similar the Grand Fairy’s outfit was to the fashion worn by Queen Elizabeth around the age of the Renaissance. So I rolled with that even further. These took a lot of time, but I really feel like it was worth it! Though, I may change it again in the future.
Okay, last upload now. I seriously need to go to bed, lol. I based the Queen’s design on Victorian era fairies. I considered her being bigger than other fairies, but I’m not sure now. These designs aren’t final, I’m just getting them out there. I liked how the Fairy Queen’s frog form had a simple version of her original dress— the original being very lovely by the way.
As for Twinkle, I wanted a more celestial look in honor of her name, so I added more stars. I wasn’t feeling the pink in her original dress, so I made it blue. The swirls and stuff I liked so I kept. I also wanted to hearken back to the more “feral” style of fairies by having them barefoot and clothing more plant-based. Who needs shoes when you can fly anyway?
I’ll do more fairies later. But this is it for now. Good night!
This time I redesigned some background characters for the Black Baron’s castle. Since, well…all the guys are exactly the same. Literally.
Look at them.
LoOk At ThEm
So yeah. I fixed that. Say what you will about Kendrick’s guards, at least they had a few models to copy as opposed to just two. I even gave ‘em a few names.
I even included a woman! She’s the only woman in the whole castle and serves as the cook and laundress…it’s a stressful job. Especially when the guy who signs your checks is a perfectionist about his wardrobe, and every one else is a slob.
Woo! These guys were fun to redesign! I realized that I didn’t draw the original Koloss unfortunately, but I hope this new look makes up for it (he gets no love already ). Again, I wanted to retain as much as could of their original designs. I also gave them distinct swords for further diversity.
I based the Baron off of Henry VIII’s fashion a bit, he was made for it. In my interpretation he’s very stylish and vain (and probably wasted a good deal of coin on appearances).
I felt that Rypan needed more armor (and rockin’ wolf head pauldrons). At the cost of slight anime-hair. A cape wouldn’t hurt either.
Fourchesac, I actually kinda liked his original outfit, though it looked a little like a hoodie/pajamas. Shame he never really wore his hood, as far as I know. So I added a plague mask motif on it (I like to imagine that he posed as a doctor to King Kendrick in the beginning). His staff was cool as it was, so other than coloring the branches on the top, I did nothing else. Lastly, I wanted someone to have those pointed shoes commonly seen in medieval art, so I gave those (way too many people have boots).
Koloss’ original design was fairly solid I think. Though I got rid of all the buckles he had on his chest (far too many I think). His shield was the most fun to draw. After rewatching the show, I noticed he had skin exposed under his helmet and pauldrons, so I fixed that. I also added breathing holes in his helmet (lest he suffocate and die).
Edit: Added individual portraits for better viewing!
Yaaaaayyyy! More redesigns of side/background characters! I’ll do more from the worlds other than Kingsland. The pirates and fairies are going to be the most fun!
Archibald was my personal favorite, and I’m disappointed that he was never released as a figure! >:(
I thought I’d try my hand at redesigning. Behold the monarchy of Kingsland from Super 4! I tried to keep their original designs in the new one. I liked the idea of including vaguely Renaissance based elements in them.