In honor of me reaching 100 followers on IG.
Posts Tagged twinkle
Just more pics of my lovely faves from the show.
The original Super 4 belongs to Morgen Studios and Method Animation.
A short comic for the lovely @darkcutequotesbiscuit Designs inspired by @tokyo-miaou-miaou‘s AU swap
Fairies sure are angry, spiteful little beings aren’t they? OvO
I know I haven’t redesigned the pirates yet, but after seeing @nowkatnotmad‘s lovely pics, I decided why not now? 🙂 Please go see theirs too!
@tokyo-miaou-miaou I know Alex’s colors aren’t exactly pastel, so I might redo him. Especially after seeing what blueberry blossoms look like irl. Also, I based their designs partially off of my redesigns. I hope that’s okay! /)///(
Okay, last upload now. I seriously need to go to bed, lol. I based the Queen’s design on Victorian era fairies. I considered her being bigger than other fairies, but I’m not sure now. These designs aren’t final, I’m just getting them out there. I liked how the Fairy Queen’s frog form had a simple version of her original dress— the original being very lovely by the way.
As for Twinkle, I wanted a more celestial look in honor of her name, so I added more stars. I wasn’t feeling the pink in her original dress, so I made it blue. The swirls and stuff I liked so I kept. I also wanted to hearken back to the more “feral” style of fairies by having them barefoot and clothing more plant-based. Who needs shoes when you can fly anyway?
I’ll do more fairies later. But this is it for now. Good night!
Sorry for reposting this, but tumblr is eating crap again. That or I reblogged it as the wrong type…sigh.

I miss these losers. 😞Decided to name those two unnamed girls from the background at Kingsland. To understand what I’m talking about, please give the show Super 4 a chance!
Edit: Because the first photo was trash.